ProSped Open was arranged at beautiful Mölle GK located on Kullaberg.
Rain-heavy clouds met the 38 participants, and after the grand opening with music and fireworks it was time for first tee.
After the morning rain the sun appeared and all golfers got to finish the last few holes in glorious weather.
Happy and satisfied, the trip continued to Stationshuset in Mölle where the was food and drinks available.
The grill master from Peri Viken stood for a fantastic barbecue with different types of sausages together wih Balkan Specialies, to everyone’s satisfaction.
Today’s winner was Stefan Engström with 64 strokes net.
The winner of the competition Closest hole (hole 7) went to Jannis Voudouragkakis at about 1 meter and Longest drive (hole 17) went to Gustaf Engholm with about 250 meters.
We extend a big and warm thank you to everyone who brightened the day and we hope to see you all again next year.
Below you find pictures from the day!